Skyrim mod civil war overhaul
Skyrim mod civil war overhaul

skyrim mod civil war overhaul

I would have reloaded my save from 2 or 3 last night and just tried again, but somehow I lost those saves and have no saves between 8 pm last night and just after the Hraggstad incident, and going back to the 8 pm save would have me lose a lot of progress. But now Galmar won't give me the "Battle for Solitude" quest. The quest marker for "Liberate Haafingar" in the civil war line was over Galmar's, so I tried to talk to him, thinking it was just a quest journal bug and that I had completed the Hraggstad quest. Later, when I checked the quest journal, I saw that the quest had completed without giving me the quest's second objective (Take over Fort Hraggstad by defeating the enemy?). After I finished the objective "join the men attacking Fort Hraggstad" I immediately ran to attack the fort.

skyrim mod civil war overhaul

I went off to do the Battle for Fort Hraggstad quest in the civil war line. I loaded skyrim today after playing till 2 or 3 last night. I've never used the steam community for anything before. I'm really confused and can't find a solution to my issue anywhere.

Skyrim mod civil war overhaul